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A Quora Answer On The Benefits of AI In Content Creation

Artificial Intelligence in content writing is fascinating.

A non-sentient device that can mimic human language is commercially novel. It is a real-world concept that has opened up a number of avenues, both good and bad. Imagine a machine that can generate pages of stories that follow a proper flow and style difficult to discern from human-created content.

We’re already there and, like it or not, Artificial intelligence is here to stay.

Each advancement brings a new set of worries. Will it take over our jobs? Will it take over the world? In truth, at least for now, the answer isn’t so black and white.

And while the fear of job replacement is understandable, artificial intelligence writing lacks a certain personality and finesse that human-created pieces contain; so much so that software has been created that can detect whether a piece of writing was written by a human or AI.

Like all other technological advancements, AI is simply a tool to be utilized.

Original content should be written by human creators.

Right now there is no getting past this basic concept. Nothing can move or persuade another human better than a human. However, avoiding the power of Natural Language Processing is like using pen and paper for mass media content instead of a computer and keyboard.

It all falls down to efficiency.

As a passionate writer for over two decades, I’ve learned that some of the most time-consuming work comes not from writing and content creation but from the planning and editing process. I often spend 35-45% of my time on a writing project planning content strategy, figuring out the perfect headlines, researching and developing SEO metrics and keywords, as well as editing and proofreading.

Imagine what could be done were this time cut in half.

With the use of artificial intelligence this “assistant work” can be maximized in a way that allows writers such as myself more time to spend on ensuring the content is powerful and creates a connection with the reader.

Who does this well?

I’ve used many platforms, both as a writer and a consumer. This is what I’ve found:

Scripted is the perfect example of the human/AI symbiotic relationship.

In fact, a really interesting article describes this perfectly. Using an AI assistant Scripted melds the two worlds together…”This one-two punch gives you the best of both worlds: Real writers and AI efficiency.”

How does Scripted utilize AI for efficiency?

As stated in the article:

“Scout will analyze industry trends, search engine rankings, audience behavior, and competitors in your industry to come up with blog post ideas your audience will love.” Scout also works by “optimizing content strategies, generating headlines, researching keywords, creating content briefs, and analyzing performance…”

Artificial Intelligence is here. It’s real. There’s no hiding from it.

If you can’t beat them, join them.

Such is the philosophy one should take in determining whether AI is worthwhile. Learn from it. Grow with it. Utilize it to make yourself and your work better. Above all else, take note and learn from the best.

For more information, I highly suggest you check out Best AI Content Creation Tools of 2023.