My name is Daniel Benson, born to Michelle Inouye and Charlie Benson on June 23, 1988. I live a life of many passions, constantly changing to find the ‘right one’. Each passion has been met with a sleuth of reading and research to learn as much as I could. So of those passions have included:

  • I wanted to go to space
  • I wanted to become an explorer and blaze a trail through the Bermuda Triangle
  • I wanted to be a professional basketball player
  • I went to school to become a nurse
  • I went to school to become a doctor
  • I studied psychology extensively in undergraduate school
  • I studie neuroscience more than most of my other passions
  • I attained a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science

I picked up book after book, delving deep into the depths of each of these professions. I learned what I could of so many topics, but always came up short of my ultimate goal. Learning. Knowing. They were but past times to a mind that hungered for an outlet; so much being taken in with so little coming out. Then, like the final piece of a puzzle fitting perfectly into place, the image became clear.

Writing had been a constant through all of these passions, silently waiting for the moment I had foud what was in front of me all along. It was the pivital love story.

I had written.

Hours of content. Cathedrals of paragraphs, quietly, gently blazing the trail of Creative Writing, Content Writing, Scientific Writing, Research Writing, Technical Writing, Blog Writing, Essay Writing, amongst various other niches.

Finally, after over two decades worth of practice and passion, I found where I belong.

I currently work as a freelance content writer where I intend to build up my name and reputation with the hopes of pursuing a full-time job within the field.

Some interesting tidbits and accolades:

  • I have an educational background in Biology and Psychology
  • I obtained my Associate Degree of Science in 2018
  • I obtained my Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science in 2023
  • I have two cats, one of which is tri-pedal: his nickname is tripod
  • I have recently become a daddy to a beautiful baby girl named Rhea Lenore (“flowing light”)
  • I have a certificate in Java Programming
  • I have a certificate in Artificial Intelligence
  • I have a certificate in Web Design and Applications
  • I have a certificate in Data Analysis